Business Merchandise That Will Make Your Business Stand Out From The Crowd

Are you considering investing in some business merchandise for your staff, customers or members? If so, it’s important to know that some types of merchandise can be more visible and cost effective than others, and can say a lot about the type of business that you’re trying to represent.Merchandise is a great way of advertising your business, both internally and in public. For example, a business pen can be used in the office, but it may go home with a staff member and hence may be seen by potential customers and clients. Subliminally, business merchandise plants the brand of the company in the minds of staff members, customers and anyone associated with such groups meaning massive visibility! Here are just a few smart merchandise ideas for your business:

  1. Stationary

With print available on diaries, pens and paperweights,investing in some branded stationary is a practical way of showing off the main message of your business. For example, a local gym utilises diaries with the title “Get Up and Go”, complete with planners to assist clients with their personal, work and physical activities. Not only does stationary easily convey a variety of messages, it is perhaps one of the most highly visible merchandise products and is incredibly cost effective too.

2) Lanyards

Practical, fashionable and incredibly versatile, lanyards can be used in a variety of ways to represent a business. They can be sold to customers, used by staff to hold their ID cards and a variety of other objects, and can be sold as ID badges for music gigs, IT conferences, and many other public gatherings. They are one of the cheapest and yet most useful objects that can advertise your business easily and to a wide range of people both within and outside of your company. You can purchase custom designed lanyards cheaply and in bulk, meaning they can be used and reused for a variety of purposes.

3) Clothing

Again, one of the most visible means of merchandising is via clothing. Perhaps you’d like to establish a uniform for your staff? Or maybe there’s a logo or catchphrase that you’d like to convey to current and potential customers? Put it on a tee, a cap or a sports tracksuit, and you’ll give yourself one of the best means of advertising your business that are out there. Clothing is the first item we recognise on other people, so this type of merchandise should really speak miles about your business. Be sure to take into account colour schemes, fonts, graphics and anything else you feel may contribute to the representation of your business.

There are endless different merchandise items and methods to compliment your business, and the three that are outlined above are just a few examples of many. When choosing your merchandise, ask yourself this: is it visible, is it cost effective and does it effectively represent the genre or message of your business? These are the most important factors in advertising your business effectively.