Tips To Consider When Hiring A Meeting Room

Lots of firms choose to hire an external venue for meetings, for a whole range of reasons. Often, the meeting might be with clients or potential clients, in a situation where you want to impress. When it comes to picking the right kind of room, it is important to weigh up a few aspects, to ensure the venue creates the appropriate impression. 

Size of room 

In might sound obvious, but it is crucial to make sure that the room is big enough for all of your meeting attendees. Suss out how many chairs the room has, and what kind of furniture is available for attendees to sit at. Make sure the room is comfortable for the number of people, so that it is not crowded, nor too big.

Equipment and features 

Check that the meeting room contains the equipment and features that you require for the meeting. If you will need an overhead projector or technology, then find out what is available. Have a look at the number of power points, to ensure there are enough electrical sockets to meet your needs.

Light and air 

Make sure that the meeting room provides the right kind of atmosphere and vibe for conducting a successful meeting. Ideally, it should have sufficient lighting and windows, and if the outside temperature is either hot or cold, then air conditioning or heating is necessary to keep your attendees feeling comfortable.


Find out if the meeting venue will provide refreshments, as part of the service. This could be quite useful if the meeting will last a period of hours, where a break may be needed during the session.


The location of your chosen meeting room should be given the utmost consideration. It should be easy for your attendees to get to, by public transport and road links, and near enough to accommodation if your guests need to stay over night. In such a case, you may even want to consider hiring a meeting room that has accommodation provided. If you have any attendees flying in from overseas, and say, for instance, your business is based in the north west, searching online for meeting rooms Manchester airport could give you some options that are close to the airport, so your attendees do not have to travel that far.

Check times

When booking a venue, make sure that the times you can use the room are suitable and convenient, both for the duration of the meeting, and allowing sufficient time for attendees to arrive. It is wise to book the room as soon as you can, especially if your meeting will take place at a time when it could be busy. Not only might you lose the room, but prices could go up too.

Check the contract

Make sure that you check any contracts drawn up before you sign to hire a meeting room, especially if there is any small print. Ensure you are happy with all of the arrangements, and if there are any areas of concern, then try to negotiate a deal before you sign on the dotted line. Call the venue prior to the meeting taking place, to ensure all of the arrangements are still going to plan and to confirm final numbers.