10 Creative Marketing Ideas For Your Business

A new company that does not have much money to spend on promotional campaigns needs to find other ways to make a name for themselves and introduce their products in the market. Most traditional and modern methods of marketing require you to spend heaps of cash, therefore, coming up with innovative ideas that get the job done without being a burden on your pocket are the need of the hour. In this article, we look at the top ten creative marketing ideas for new businesses.

Out of the box content ideas

The importance of content present on the internet can never be diminished. If you have a product and you want to sell it, then top-notch content related to it, describing the item, its benefits and longevity can go a long way towards satisfying people. Consider out of the box ideas to write content such as having a conversational tone of writing instead of descriptive. Focus more on human beings rather than search engines and play with your niche to make the text more authentic and creative. You can also add call to action within the text to get more benefits.

Customised promotional products

If you are a new business with a limited budget, then one of the best marketing ideas is to distribute promotional products among people. Common items such as promotional pens and mugs stay with the customer for a long time but you can be even more innovative with the products you give. Customised keychains with the name of the person written, event based items such as Christmas caps, New Year calendars and diaries can also help to create a base of loyal customers.

Create promotional videos

Videos are the modern way of promoting your products. Most people who have no interest in reading mostly prefer watching visual content and getting all the information they need. It also helps to promote your company along with its products in just a couple of minutes. In a busy routine, people prefer watching stuff, and it has two benefits. The information stays in their mind for longer, and they get more data within a short time.

Graffiti marketing

This type of marketing uses different streets and walls as spaces to promote their brand. You do so in different ways, for example, stencil graffiti uses stencils allows you to create repetitive street art in a short time. Similarly, reverse graffiti is a way through which artists remove dirt from the walls and while doing so, create an innovative image or promotional message. Different stickers can also be used on roads and walls to get the job done.

Use social media effectively

Billions of people use social media accounts, and therefore, it becomes a free and useful source of marketing. Having a presence on Facebook establishes a name for your brand and creates trust. People can get information about things and interact with you easily. Same goes for Twitter, where they can contact you in real time and you can get reviews about your products. Places such as Instagram and snapchat have their importance as people can see the products, eventually, visit your website and get all the details to make a purchase. The best part is that you do not have to spend even a single penny for these accounts.

Attending a trade fair

Another innovative way of increasing your contacts and clients is to attend trade fairs taking place in your city. Even if you attend such events as a visitor or participant to exhibit your products you can get the job done. You can also join the prize giving contests to engage people in the trade show and you will get even more promotion for your business. You can also arrange a small event on a local level for people to attend where you can introduce your products and have different activities for people to enjoy.

Share real life experiences

There can be nothing better than asking people to share their experiences while using your product. Prospective customers always engage with a real life story of someone who has actually benefited from the things you are selling and it gives them confidence in your brand. Eventually, it helps to make your marketing campaign successful by giving it a realistic touch.


Another creative marketing tool where you can create Do It Yourself infographics of your products and the company itself with the links provided so that people can click on them and reach the desired location. It increases not only the traffic but also the sales as people will properly get the information, see the benefits and would want to buy them. As long as they are created professionally, people like to share them with others as well, so you get referrals too.

Reward program

It is another useful tool for enhancing your company’s sales. You can ask people to buy your product in a specific time or particular amounts, and if they do so, they get some percentage off the total amount or get something for free along with it. Similarly, you can also introduce a scheme whereby if a person refers your company to someone else and they make a purchase, the other person gets a reward for it.

Social networking giveaways

Engaging people on social networks is the best way to make a name for your new businesses. Many of them use techniques such as asking a question from their followers and then choosing a few of them and reward them with something. Similarly, if you share a promotional campaign online, you can announce that the first ten people who buy this item will get a 25% concession on the total amount they purchase. Things like these can engage people and also allow them to feel valued.

All in all, just a few sensible and creative steps can take your business towards success. Using these innovative techniques can help your business proliferate as compared to others because they do not depend on you having loads of money to run advertising campaigns.

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