5 Things You Didn’t Know About The Construction Industry

The buildings you see around you are the products of hard work by professionals in the architecture, engineering and construction industries. The construction industries create job opportunities for people and also help grow the economy of any state. The jobs of professionals in the construction industry are to bring about the best built environment for users of that environment and also to deliver sustainable buildings that preserve the environment.

Building a house is not child’s play. It takes its a mental, physical and financial toll on individuals who commence a project. Therefore, loans are made available to ease the building process. Construction finance is available for any builder or homeowner who wants to custom build their own home. 

Construction finance is usually a short term loan used to cover the costs or funds for a building project before obtaining a permanent loan. There are two ways of using construction finance; either the builder uses two loans, that is getting a loan for the period of the construction and after it’s over gets a permanent loan from another lender to pay off the previous construction loan. 

Or the second way is to get one loan deal, that is, the construction loan becomes permanent at the end of the building process.

Every construction project requires a team. This team usually comprises of;

  • An Architect; They are the grand designer and creator of the body of the building. The idea of the building in the mind of the architect is transformed into a working blueprint. The architect plans, designs and oversees the construction of the building.
  • Civil Engineer; The role of the civil engineer is to produce the structural design of a building using mathematical and scientific knowledge. They are in charge of creating a practical and safe structure that can withstand any climate and natural event. 
  • Mechanical/Electrical Engineer; This person injects life force into the building, as a building needs electricity, air conditioning and ventilation systems for the purpose of habitation.
  • Quantity Surveyor; A quantity surveyor takes care of the financial aspects of the construction project. They manage the cost, from the initial calculations to the final figures. This must be done to meet the required standard of quality of a building.
  • Project Manager; This person oversees the smooth running of a construction project. They organise all resources; money, time and the people involved in such a way that the work comes in on time and on budget.
  • Facility Manager; This person is a post-construction worker. Their job is to perform regular checks on the building to ensure it is well maintained by the occupants, as well as improve the amenities and services of the building.

Secrets Of the Construction Industry

Most people know something about the construction industry and what it is all about. However, the nitty-gritty of the industry is not known to many outside of the sector. This article will therefore highlight 5 things an average person doesn’t know about the construction industry. 

Building Information Modelling is a Game Changer (BIM).

BIM is proving to be the greatest disruptor that anyone in the  architecture, engineering and construction industry has ever seen. This is a technology that allows constructors to literally visualise, coordinate and troubleshoot without doing any manual work. BIM gives builders the confidence that what has been modelled will be correctly replicated in the field.

By utilising BIM, work is made easier and there are fewer mistakes made. BIM helps to achieve the aims of less rework, less waste, and of course higher efficiency. A study shows that 53.4 million tons of waste per year are caused by construction industries excluding demolition and this BIM helps to correct.

Video Game Technology Helps With Virtual Reality 

Video Game Technology has, over the years, played a significant role in the construction of buildings. Clients can rarely get a full understanding of their building when it is only being analysed on 2D drawings, and this is a frustration on both sides. However, video game technology has helped in making this a problem of the past.

With this technology, constructors can provide flythrough and walkthrough and offer photo real renderings that allow clients to truly understand their building as it evolves. Virtual reality has become so accessible that constructors can take you on a tour of your building and all you need to do is put on your VR headset and look at the screen.

The goal is for you to see the progress of your building, know what is going on and to make necessary changes virtually. This saves the cost of making such corrections physically and also allows for efficiency. 

Reality Capture Tools Collect the Most Accurate Data

Just as BIM takes the digital into the physical, reality capture brings the physical into the digital. In the past, different dimensions could be taken by constructors only for them to realise after leaving the field that they don’t have the exact dimensions they need. Luckily, in recent times, reality capture tools have helped in eliminating such mistakes and preventing waste of resources. 

These tools can scan different digital points and pull them into the model. Reality capture basically scans the building and detects any abnormalities that would affect the construction project. 

Robotics – The Rise of Artificial Intelligence 

Robots are gradually moving from the realms of sci-fi to reality. They are beginning to transform the construction industry in many different areas. Robotic technology helps to reduce the amount of waste that is caused by traditional construction. They are capable of this because they are accurate and precise. 

Robots also often bring about higher work quality when compared to human efforts. They provide speed, efficiency and error-free jobs.

Demolition is another area where robots can be very useful. Apart from putting up buildings, the construction industry also sometimes has to pull buildings down. Robots help in speeding up the demolition process and save time and money. A study showed that the robotic revolution would step up a significant pace in 2019. 

Emergence of Exoskeletons

They were originally developed for military use and for physiotherapy but they have now begun to make appearances on construction sites. Exoskeletons are designed to protect workers from manual handling injuries and hands-on vibration. These suits also help to increase productivity on sites.

In conclusion, we call these the “secrets” of the industry because most people are not aware of the growth and technological improvement in the industry. This industry has been termed ‘archaic’ in the past but in 2019, it is evident that the built environment is now being delivered in a faster, easier, more conducive and efficient way than ever before.