Why Use An Online HR System?

Any person who has worked with the Human Resources (HR) department will be aware their work is never-ending, often overwhelming and there seems to be plenty to be getting on with.

There will be a constant stream of holiday requests, recording of sickness, dealing with receipts from the travelling sales teams and those pesky reports. The information is for ever changing and adapting around you. Holiday requests have to be approved and checked to see that there are no other employees taking the same period off. It could leave certain departments of the business short staffed, and it could all end up being your fault if the proper checks are not made.

Spreadsheets are being constantly updated within the HR department and there seems to be no let-up in the information demanded by department heads. It is not just figures they want, they need percentages of absenteeism, periods within the year where production has fallen against staff absenteeism and trends relating to money spent by travelling sales staff at different times of the year.

There is a way where all this information overload can be tamed. At Avantus HR, a system has been developed to tidy up the recording of those endless holiday requests, expense receipts that seem to be all over the place and the systematic recording online of old paperwork. The Workplace One HR Software System is a dynamic system that can be accessed 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.

The Workplace One HR Software System is available at all times, providing there is an internet connection. Most homes and many coffee shops and business outlets have Wi-Fi these days, so the platform can easily be accessed from these locations too.

The software is simple to use and you will wonder how you ever managed without it, after you have used it for a few weeks. It is simple and cost-effective and handles a vast amount of work into an organised set of data which can easily be transferred into those reports, so often demanded by department heads and managers.

The Workplace One HR Software System is the go-to solution for business as it is suitable for companies of any size. Access and updates can be achieved anytime and anywhere on any device.

The Workplace One HR Software System is simple to install and deploy. It will truly reduce cumbersome administration tasks involving payroll and general HR.