Top Tips To Improve Your Social Media Marketing Productivity

If you are a social media manager, you know how important it is to stay organized, socially aware and focused. Simultaneously, you also need to have contact with content outsourcing agencies, to have quality content design and communication. Also, most social media managers are expected to be top notch multi-taskers.

Looking forward to play your role as a marketer seriously? Here are some tips to help you enhance your social media marketing results:

Focus on Strategy and Goals

To be successful in online business process, you should have the best social media strategy in hand. Customers expect organizations to be efficient at engaging through social platforms. You need to be capable of responding on time and add ample value to the core brand. If you don’t, the results can be negative. To ensure you are always on toes, have a well-planned social media strategy that is in sync with your goals. The strategy can be planned by understanding your needs, the purpose of social media marketing, and target audience. Don’t forget to measure your strategy results for this you can use several online tools such as Instagram account analyzer if you are working on Instagram marketing.

After having a strategy, don’t forget to plan to meet your goals. Not having a plan will make you move aimlessly between activities. Have plans to address each goal. Break each project into smaller tasks and track them to completion.

Content Calendars Can Help

These allow you to plan out things you want to publish on each social media platform. You can also organize follow-up social media activities. The tool is a great way to utilize time in a better way.

Top Performing Platforms

When it comes to boosting social media productivity, you should emphasize on platforms that ensure your business with the best ROI (return on investment). Start off via comparing performance and costs across different social media channels. Focus on putting efforts and spending your money only on the platform that provides you with the best ROI to make the best use of your time and resources.

Keep Learning

Make sure you keep updating your skills from time to time. To excel in the art of social media marketing, you need to get a detailed understanding of multiple social media tools. Also learn managing social media campaigns via using paid ads. Some of the other things you need to learn include cognizant of the algorithms used by various platforms to present content to its users, proficiency in using web analytics tools, and a detailed understanding social media metrics. Also make sure you show significant improvement in several areas including copywriting, communication, marketing, project management, design, data analytics, and presentation. Keeping up to date with the latest developments in digital marketing is crucial to boost productivity social media marketing.

News Savvy

Try subscribing to blogs and newsletters that curate news and events. These should be relevant to your industry. You may even use aggregators such as Feedly. This way, you will get all of your news in one place. Also look out specifically for breaking any global news relevant to your brand. Evernote or OneNote are great tools to take notes of attention-grabbing stories you stumble upon. Thereafter, you need to feed these into your content planning.

Organize Work

Writing good content is all about being efficient and organizing your work. Using a project management tool such as Trello is a great way to collect content ideas and improve social media productivity. After documenting your ideas, you may add notes and then assign these to different members of your team. Also assign due dates, ensure adept collaboration with other team members. You need to keep a track of progress until final publication.

Define Processes

Have well defined processes in place to boost the overall quality and efficiency of your work. You can utilize processes for documenting tasks involved in publishing Facebook posts, blog posts, creating tweets, and preparing images for diverse platforms and a lot more. When it comes to documenting processes, you don’t require creating an enormous Microsoft Word document. Using checklists will save time and help you understand day to day, weekly and longer term priorities. This is important to decide on the task you need to carry out first.


When you outsource social media tasks, you are actually reducing the amount of time you spend on routine activities. Large corporations usually have huge teams based in other locations. They may even use specialist outside agencies. However, smaller companies may outsource by using virtual assistants and freelancers. The process of outsourcing usually allows you to improve your social media productivity. Agencies, individuals and SMO service providers offering social media services have deep knowledge and years of experience in the industry. They can easily help you with all types of activities such as customer service, social media monitoring, marketing and administration.

When you outsource routine work, you focus on more important things in your business aspects and social media management, such as timely responsiveness to customers and brand image.

Streamline Reporting

If you spend too much time collecting data and putting together reports, start using one of the tools available these days. Creating reports will not need a good amount of manual job. The suite of analytics tools of Sprout will automatically generate reports on your social engagement, growth of the audience and much more.

Generate a Set of Tools

You require a variety of tools to cover a number of things you require getting done in the field of social media. Having tools that integrate with one another save good amount of time and effort. Try selecting tools that cover numerous functions. This can minimize the number of tools you need. Some of the tools such as Sprout Social will enhance efficiency via letting you manage your profiles on various social networks you use from a single place. It also boosts productivity via letting you to monitor and manage different profiles at once. You don’t need to log into each separately.

Publish Perfect

Spend extra time on producing Instagram caption that’s relevant and perfect for your job. When you spend time wisely, you can expect good results.


These 11 tips provide a starting point for being more productive. As you explore these, you will find ones that particularly suit your way of working. It may be best to focus on just one or two areas and master these before trying others.

There are many other ways of getting more done, particularly in the areas of time management and environmental factors. Popular tools include to-do apps and website distraction blockers. New apps and services related to productivity are being developed all the time, so you’ll want to actively keep abreast of the changing landscape.

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