Things To Know About HGV Jobs Essex

Essex is placed to the northeast of London. It is a county spread over 3,465 sq km with a population of 1,443,220. Chelmsford is the only city in the Essex. However, the topography of Essex is such that it demands specialised HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicles) services. For instance, the highest point of Essex is Chrishall Common that is situated at a height of 482 ft and it’s close to the border of Hertfordshire.

The county is full of small towns, villages, and hamlets. Therefore, the roads aren’t very wide and suitable for the HGV. In other words, HGV jobs Essex are challenging.

Key areas of HGV jobs Essex:

  • Mixed economy: Essex has a mixed economy in the presence of industries though industries are mostly centred around the southern part of Essex. However, the mainstay of the economy is agriculture. Therefore, HGV jobs Essex demand special skill. After all, crops and industrial output carriers are different and one may be required to switch jobs based on the requirements and the opportunity to earn there.  
  • Challenging terrains: The topography of Essex consists of agricultural land as well as the areas with high altitudes. Therefore, driving HGV is challenging especially at the higher altitudes.  
  • Tough weather: The average temperature of Essex varies between 3.70C to 21.80C per year. That’s a huge scale of difference. Besides, it rains all throughout the year. Therefore, the driving condition for HGV always remains challenging and it keeps changing based on the time of the year. In other words, it is important to recruit only those HGV drivers who have a professional qualification and hands-on experience. 
  • High paying job: HGB driving in Essex is a high paying job considering other income opportunities there. For instance, an HGV Class 1 driver can earn anywhere between 550 to 750 pounds per week. Besides, Essex has a number of good institutes that imparts high standard and practical oriented training on HGV driving. In short, the scope of HGV driving is good in Essex.      
  • Respectable job: You will be happy to know that HGV drivers in Essex enjoy five days week (Monday to Friday) with a handsome salary. It means HGV jobs Essex are respectable ones. Having said that, we mean as an HGV driver, one can have a social status as well in Essex.  
  • Recession proof job: This is yet another interesting part of the HGV jobs in the Essex county that depends primarily on the road transport. The M25 and M11 Motorways run through the south and west of the county. Again, A127 and A13 trunk roads work as the connecting roads to the M25. From the south to the west across the county, A12 Motorway runs thereby covers a greater area including the traffic from London and other important areas such as the east Norfolk, the ports of Felixstowe and Harwich, and the Suffolk. In short, there is always a demand for the HGV drivers in Essex.

Becoming an HGV driver in Essex, one can enjoy life’s full circle for sure.

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