What Millennials Need From A Customer Loyalty Program

We have heard a lot of stereotypes like they are lazy and have short attention spans, they don’t value hard work…but that is not true at all.

While some millennials may possess some of these traits, they also have a lot more to offer to the world, too. For the most part, they are just misunderstood by the society. If you wish to build a loyalty program that’s specifically for millennials, this is the post for you.

How to Build Loyalty Programs for Millennials

A loyalty program makes sure that your customers return back to you. Through loyalty program, you can have plenty of repeat customers. To make your company’s loyalty program more successful, you will have to put some work into it.

Here are a few things millennials need from a loyalty program:

1.     A Two Way Communication

Millennials need to have a two-way communication with the brand rather than the standard style of marketing. They need to have a conversation with the people in charge. Millennials want their suggestions and recommendations to be heard and answered.

2.     Socially Savvy

This is the generation of social media and millennials, like everyone else, love it. Social media is one of the biggest avenues for marketing and is the best way to consume and share information. Millennials need you to promote your loyalty programs on social media, as it would be the best way for them to get awareness about them, for millennials are very socially savvy.

3.     They Value Stats

Most people think that loyalty programs are all about collecting points that will help you avail discounts from the company. That is not true at all. There are many ways different brands offer loyalty programs to their customers.

Some companies offer their customers with status based rewards and free products.  Millennials get more influenced when the rewards offered to them are status based instead of point based.

4.     Their Personality is Reflected in the Brands They Use

Most millennials are of the mind that they use the brads that reflect best on their personality. This is an important thing to remember when you are creating your company’s loyalty program.

5.     They Want Things to be Visual

Millennials have had quick access to the information on the internet. Thus, they prefer to be shown what they could get form a loyalty program, rather than read. Millennials need an appealing visual image that will explain what rewards they might be getting from a customer loyalty program. The more appealing your visual aids are the more millennials will focus on them.

What Should You Focus On?

If your company’s target audience is millennials, you should follow these steps so that your company’s loyalty programs are appealing to the millennials.

  • Allow your customers and members to share their ideas and voices
  • Advertise it on social media
  • Encourage people to share your loyalty programs with their friends and family
  • Offer rewards that are status based

These are the things that millennials need most from your loyalty programs. So start designing their preferred loyalty programs and increase your customers.