Update Your Office Collateral Easily With This Step By Step Guide

As part of branding and marketing, every business is always creating new office collateral including both physical and digital assets. These are used for branding purposes, message deliveries, greater visibility and awareness and several other reasons.

It may be a good idea to update these assets if you haven’t done them for some time or if you are rebranding your business. This helps you stay updated with competition as well as with times.  If you really want to gain an edge, then you should stay on top of your marketing collateral, and ascertain every now and then, that it is reflecting your brand and delivering the message you want to communicate.

So how do you about updating your office collateral? The experts at Custom Gear Australia have put together a quick and easy guide to help you do so.

Go through your current inventory

Assess your current inventory in detail and come up with ways to rebrand or utilise the existing material somehow. You do have the choice of retiring it, but that would lead to wasted cost, so be sure to factor that in.

Classify all collateral into different categories and decide which of the items can be repurposed and which have to be updated.

Does it reflect your brand?

Did you make any branding changes in the recent past? If you’ve modified your vision statement, redesigned your company logo, increased your targeted audience or have shifted focus to a new venture, you should incorporate all these changes in your office collateral as well. Think of ways to do so, and come up with a detailed strategy.

Utilise technology

Utilise technology as much as you can for effectively managing your office collateral, and try to incorporate the latest technological trends. For instance, if your target market uses QR codes, so should you. And the same should be incorporated in your office collateral as well, especially where your digital assets are considered. Your business websites and apps can make or break your business, so make sure, they are of topmost quality.

Of all things, user experience and speeds are the two most important elements. While offering a good user experience, response times should be quick as well.

Make some social efforts

A presence on social media is crucial in times like these because this channel helps you reach out to your prospects, suppliers and customers. So whenever you update your office collateral and give it a brand new look, announce the same on social media as well.

And by the way, don’t forget to include all social links on your printed collateral as well as your promotional merchandise. On smaller items like pens and key chains, space may be limited. In such a case, you can leave out the address, but definitely not the links to your Facebook and LinkedIn pages.