Starting A Martial Arts Camp Business

The martial arts about Muay Thai, also known as the Thai boxing, has become part of the Thai culture. This type of martial arts game is fast-growing and gaining more followers every day. It is the kind of discipline that benefits both the body and the mind.

Whether as an extra activity for our children or as a conscientious learning for adults who want to learn the art of self-defense, setting up a training camp is a venture with an excellent present and a promising future.​

Are you an expert in martial arts and have you decided to start your own business? Nowadays, setting up a successful Muay Thai or school of martial arts business is tasking but it can be easier.  ​

However, it is essential for the management of this type of business to have the knowledge and experience in some category of martial arts or, failing that, to associate or hire a professional.​

Reasons to start a Muay Thai school​

  • It accounts for a wide diversity of potential clients: from children to seniors, of both sexes​
  • It has a broad demand​
  • You have the possibility to work from home, if you adapt it correctly​
  • To start, you do not need expensive implements​
  • Because it is a sports activity, it has family support​
  • You can burn 300 to 900 calories per hour, which makes them excellent alternatives to stay in shape.​
  • It develops skill, speed, agility, strength, flexibilit and good reflexes, improving the quality of life.​

How to build a Muay Thai scouting academy​

We are facing a simple project and armed entrepreneurship. You just have to take into account the most elementary details and then simply open the boxing business. Next, we tell you what you need:​

Business project​

Once you decide the place, include the cost of the rent in the project, find out the fixed expenses and add them, ask for a budget for all the elements you need to assemble and set up the academy and add them to the business plan. Once you have everything, you will be able to know how much money you will have to invest.​

Equipment needed in the camp​

Start from bottom to top. At first, paint the room and leave it in impeccable conditions, then take care of the floor. The most advisable for this case are the rubber floors for their high power of cushioning in the case of hard falls. After this, install the mirrors which will cover at least one whole wall and then take care of the lighting from the ceiling, making sure it is intense and economical.​

The other essential materials you would need for the academy  include Muay Thai shorts, headgears, gloves, mouth guards, shin guards, gym bags, and ankle supports.​

Requirements to open a Muay Thai business ​

  • Go to the government offices and register your academy to have everything in order.​
  • Hire the best Muay Thai teachers in Thailand to teach at your academy.​

Marketing plan for your martial arts academy​

Your work does not end once your Thai boxing school is constituted. On the contrary, it is the moment to promote your growth and what to do by means of adverts in flyers, offering discounts for an additional person with demonstration classes, special plans per semester or annual or with family plans. You can also make use of technological tools and social networks.​

You don’t need to spend much to market the business. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can even promote the business online by setting up a website. Thanks to the internet, you can also place adverts on search engines and certain websites.​

Whether you have training in marketing or you hire someone who is duly trained in this aspect, you need to create a plan for the academy to suit the needs of your area. You have to cover the schedules that the public needs and have classes needed for all ages in your area. ​

The schedules should cover different parts of the day, considering those who have free time in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.​

As for the ages, divide the groups into three: children, adolescents and adults. There is the possibility of a subdivision in young people and adults, depending on whether you have a very different age group.​

Within the marketing plan, include different levels of learning. This will give credibility to your Muay Thai academy, as each level will have a different and increasingly advanced knowledge plan. The more levels you include, the more time you will retain students over the years. However, do not overdo it if you do not want them to not directly enroll in your academy.​

While it is great to promote your training camp business, remember that the primary aim of setting up the Muay Thai camp is about offering exceptionally high-quality services. Ensure that your new customers are satisfied and happy with the service they will be getting from your training camp. ​

Some academies include several types of martial arts, apart from Muay Thai. The most popularly combined are Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, Kendo, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan, Kick Boxing and Krav Maga. Among them, concentrate on those that have more acceptance and demand among your potential customers, if you really have to include any. To begin with, you may make a little research and check the service models of companies offering training services, specifically through their websites. This will give you a template or better setup idea while you begin yours. ​


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