What Makes A Good Courier Company?

If you have never explored or experienced the freight industry, you could be forgiven for thinking that it is easy to source a good courier company. The Internet allows a business owner to locate such companies, but they all claim to be ultra-efficient and offer the lowest quotes on any job, so, how does one select the right organisation to handle the logistics of goods delivery? Here are a few things to look for when sourcing courier companies that should enable you to make an informed decision.

Easy to Navigate Website

All the best courier companies run their business from their website, and this portal allows the customer to receive instant quotes. Whether you want sea freight services, or a speedy delivery by air, the website would be designed in such a way that you can easily obtain the desired information.

Global Network

The modern courier company would be part of a global network of trusted freight forwarders, and with the ability to communicate instantly, in real time, it is possible to organise any shipment to be delivered to any address worldwide. As a customer, you require instant quotes, and this allows you to make quick decisions, wherever you happen to be. Imagine sitting in the traffic, and you receive a call from a valued customer who wishes you to express deliver certain items, and with an online connection, you can receive the quote within minutes, and then place the order without even leaving your vehicle.


Ideally, your courier service would offer a range of transportation possibilities, which would typically include road, rail, sea and air transport, and this ensures prompt and affordable delivery. If the company is customer focused, nothing would be too much trouble, and you could even ask for advice regarding customs documentation, should you require it.


Having an extensive network of carriers allows a courier company to quote reasonable prices, and by combining consignments, it is possible to shave a little more off the price, and while we want our goods to be handled correctly, price is a major factor in the equation. One might be able to secure a discount if the volume of business is considerable, and once you are happy with a service, it makes sense to stick with a winning formula.

Prompt Attention

It isn’t much good to a supplier if the shipping agent turns on their recorded message at 5pm, and waiting until the following day is very often not an option, so you should expect a round the clock quotation service, and this can easily be accessed by logging in to their website and clicking on the right menus. Prompt service is what makes your business tick, and having the ability to conduct the transaction with your smartphone puts you head and shoulders above the competition.

If you manage to forge an alliance with a reliable and affordable courier company, many of your business issues will soon disappear, and with their expertise, you will never pay more than you should for any delivery.

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