Iconic Business Planner In The American Cosmetic Industry

In almost every industry most of the prominent companies begin as small business enterprises led by extraordinary entrepreneurs. Such individuals start their businesses with the idea of taking advantage of commercial opportunity. This opportunity presents itself in the form of an acute shortage of quality products and services in their respective markets. With this vision in mind, such entrepreneurs formulate a number of strategic business plans and make it their mission to take their business establishments to great heights by implementing these plans. Such strategic business plans are merely a game plan of how these entrepreneurs intend to realize their business goals.

One such entrepreneur is William Lauder. He has played a key role in the growth and development of the Estee Lauder Company in the USA. The William Lauder affair with the company dates back to 1986. He joined the company and rose rapidly to important managerial posts. He was in charge of human resources, retail and distribution. He managed to increase the distribution channels of the company. Entrepreneurs like William Lauder ensure that their strategic business plans are always pragmatic, realistic and adaptable to rapidly changing business environments in which they operate.

In the international cosmetic industry, William Lauder is an example of how an exemplary entrepreneur and iconic business planner can take an established company to extraordinary heights. William Lauder is the grandson of Mrs. Estee Lauder – the illustrious entrepreneur who established the Estee Lauder Corporation. At the time, she noticed a shortage of high quality skincare products in the cosmetic industry which she wanted to exploit. With only four high quality products, she successful implemented many innovative strategic plans to ensure her products became popular throughout America. This gave her the competitive advantage to challenge the might of established companies in market. Within two decades, she made the Estee Lauder Corporation a household name in America.

William Lauder was determined to do in the global market what his grandmother had done in the American market. His association with the Estee Lauder Corporation took an upswing when he was responsible for nine premium brands of the company. The William Lauder affair with his grandmother’s company has inspired many other small companies to a large extent. Capital investment does not always mean success. The leader should have a defined vision and steer the company forward to success. No wonder William Lauder is an iconic name in the beauty and cosmetic industry today!