How To Get The Most Out Of B2b Telemarketing

Most firms know that B2B telemarketing is an effective way to promote and grow their business. However, it is only an effective marketing technique if you approach it in the right way.

Many companies have wasted hundreds of man-hours on telesales campaigns that have generated very few actual sales leads. To be successful at telesales you need staff that has plenty of experience of marketing over the telephone. Selling over the phone is completely different from doing so face to face. It is very hard to engage someone over the phone and it is difficult to gauge their reaction to your sales pitch. For this reason, it makes sense to engage the services of a specialist firm like who have been generating business leads for all kinds of firms for over a decade. Their staff has the experience and expertise to turn most conversations into a legitimate sales lead.

However, generating the lead is only half of the story. During telesales conversations, it is possible to garner a great deal of information about the businesses you are trying to sell to. Therefore, telesales, when done correctly, is also a great way of carrying out market research.

Effective Follow up is Vital

Naturally, if a telesales conversation generates a lead it is important to follow up and arrange a sales appointment. However, it is also important to follow up on those who are not necessarily interested in making a purchase right away, but may want to do so in the future. Some will be happy to leave their e-mail or contact details and receive targeted marketing. This kind of follow up can generate additional sales long after the telesales campaign has ended.