A Guide To Printed Safety Media In The Workplace

It is essential for every industry to have safety measures in place, and in Australia, Take 5 is a much preferred system, as it can be applied to any type of work environment, and takes only a few minutes to complete. The Take 5 program consists of specific steps where the worker will assess and identify the risks, before reviewing any action to be taken, and with a review of the entire procedure, complacency is all but eliminated.

Custom Design

Obviously, you want the printed media to be recognisable as coming from your organisation, so logos and colours should be factored into everything. The Take 5 booklet, for example, would need to be printed on the right media, something that is durable and suitable for the specific working environment, and then there is signage to consider, and the location is very important. There are online suppliers who will design, print and advise on all aspects of workplace safety, and with their expertise, your printed media will not only be effective, it will carry all the hallmarks of the company.

Range of Essential Items

You would likely need Take 5 assessment wallets, which are handy packages that contain all the documentation needed for the risk assessment stage of the process, and then there is the booklet itself, along with the Take 5 safety checklist, which needs to be evident. There are other safety systems that might be in place, and all have respective documentation that must be printed, and you can utilise the expertise of the leading supplier of printed media in Australia, who will ensure that you have the best design.

Digital Printing

This enables high resolution content to be printed on a range of materials, giving you tear-proof and waterproof media that is suited for heavy industry, and with a fast turnaround and small quantity printing, your order will be ready in a matter of days rather than weeks. Digital printing is also a lot cheaper, which we all welcome, and by selecting the right media and having it designed professionally, company image is also boosted.

Online Solutions

There is one leading printer of this type of media in Australia, and a simple online search would land you on their website, and they are experienced with all types of industry and company size, and can tailor the service to suit the working environment. Repeat orders are easy, as you can simply login and place your order online, saving you valuable time, and with a suitable stock, you will always have adequate essential media at your disposal. Failure to provide this media could result in severe penalties for the employer, so one should ensure an adequate supply is kept in reserve.

Every industry has its own specific safety issues, and by having the right printed media, your employees will be empowered to reduce the risk of a workplace accident. Online solutions enable you to arrange the necessary printed media quickly, and with affordable prices, it won’t break the bank.

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