Five Questions Marketers Should Ask In 2017

Marketing today requires much more strategy and much more savvy than ever before, even though we now have access to the kinds of tools, technology, and tracking solutions that businesses in the past would have absolutely killed for.

Smart marketers understand that they have to constantly reinvent themselves, look for new solutions that really work, and innovate before the competition does – and that all starts by asking yourself the right questions so that you are really prepared to push forward.

Here are five questions you have to focus in 2017 and beyond!

Am I focusing on the right metrics?

It’s really, really easy to get caught up in paying attention to the wrong metrics when you are trying to track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

You obviously need to pay attention to your conversion rate and your sales numbers, but you also need to know about the amount of leads you have coming in, the impact that your marketing is having, your “share-ability” quotient of your marketing pieces, and so much more.

How quickly am I able to react to how my market is feeling?

The best marketing today is incredibly lean, incredibly fast moving, and reacts almost as quickly as your market does – showing that you are really “plugged in” to everything that they are looking for.

You need to be incredibly active on social media so that you can pay attention to everything that your market is saying about you, your business, your products/services, and your industry, and you need to be able to stay on high alert to react as soon as tides begin to change in any direction.

Stay lean and adaptive and it’s almost impossible to fail.

Are my marketing efforts building results in the short and long term?

It’s really, really easy to get caught up in producing marketing content that creates a major impact right now, this very moment while sacrificing potential future sales and equity, especially in as quick moving a world and business environment as we live in right now.

At the same time, you would have to be absolutely crazy not to build marketing content, strategies, and campaigns that have an equal balance between short-term success and long-term results. Without these kinds of longer-term strategies, you’re really only ever jumping from one promotion to another – and eventually the music will stop and you may no longer have a chair to sit down in.

Am I ready to create my own online media and content?

The lines have blurred considerably between legacy media like television and new media like online video, and you have to be ready to take advantage of new opportunities provided by new media as a smart and savvy marketer today.

Marketing is no longer creating sales pages, advertising, and other pieces of traditional marketing content. Content marketing is the name of the game, and you have to control your own content marketing platform and channel if you’re going to have success today.

How prepared am I for a mobile centric online world?

Even just five or six years ago the “big push” in technology was creating larger and larger screens, bigger monitors, and wider laptops – but today nothing could be further from the truth.

The “ideal” smart phone today has a screen that is at least 5.5 inches in diameter, making it much larger than smart phones in years past – but still a tremendous amount smaller than even the most compact laptop or netbook today.

The mobile world is the future of modern marketing, and you’ll need to make sure that you are plugged into this mobile centric online universe if you’re going to succeed going forward.

About the Author

Morris Edwards is a content writer at, he writes different topics like FinTechStartups in Singapore and Top 10 must know facts about Mobile App Security and all topics related to Business, Tech and Company Registration in Singapore.

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