Expert Advice on How to Make the Conveyancing Process as Efficient as Possible

In the ever-evolving landscape of property transactions, selling or buying a home can be an extremely stressful, time-consuming and lengthy process, especially if not properly managed from the start.

With expert advice from specialist property solicitors in Essex, we have put together this useful guide on how to make your conveyancing process as straightforward, quick and efficient as possible.

  • Assemble The Right Team

Working with the best people from the very beginning will help you get off to a great start, ensure that no time is wasted and facilitate a smooth transaction. The conveyancing solicitor will be key here as they oversee and manage everything from conducting searches, preparing contracts and reviewing mortgage offers to handling negotiations, taking payments and providing legal advice.

Make sure that you do your research and don’t just go for the cheapest option, but instead consider reviews, recommendations, experience, fees and services offered when you are weighing up your options as a good conveyancer can make all the difference.

  • Securing Your Finances

Being proactive when it comes to securing your finances and mortgage preapproval can help put you in a strong position and save you time down the line. Obtaining a mortgage agreement in principle (AIP) shows sellers that you are not only serious about buying but financially capable of doing so.

  • Work with a mortgage advisor to assemble the necessary paperwork, documents and information to submit your application.
  • Have bank statements ready to prove how you obtained your deposit, whether it was a gift from parents, saved over the years, inherited or otherwise.
  • Make sure that you are clear about your budget and that all the required financial preparations are in place.
  • Prepare any identification documents that you might need to prove your current address such as – a driving license, passport or household bills.
  • Clear Communication

Effective communication is the key to a successful and speedy conveyancing process. When people and the parties involved do not communicate clearly and regularly, things can be easily missed, overlooked or forgotten.

Maintaining consistent contact with your estate agent, lender and conveyancing solicitor will help you to stay informed about the progress of the transaction, any issues or delays that may have arisen and the next steps.

  • Be Organised

It is vital that important documents, paperwork and contracts are read, signed and submitted in a timely manner if you want the process to run smoothly. Delayed responses can all add up very quickly and cause unwanted hold-ups that affect everyone.

  • Keep a folder containing either originals or copies of all documents, forms and information relevant to the sale so that you have one central place where you can find and store everything you need.
  • Arrange surveys as soon as you are able to and discuss any issues about the findings with surveyors and conveyancers to avoid potential delays.
  • As soon as you receive documents such as deeds, contracts and leasehold agreements, take the time to review them, ensure there are no errors and discuss any issues or concerns with your solicitor.
  • Keep an up-to-date checklist of documents and deadlines to help you stay organised.
  • Effective Negotiating

This is something that has the potential to add days or even weeks to the conveyancing process if not properly managed.

  • Discuss negotiations with your solicitor quickly and come to a fast but sensible decision.
  • Be realistic and reasonable with negotiations.
  • Think about what goods or items you are willing to leave or be included, what will need to be paid for on top of the sale price or what are your non-negotiables.
  • Choose a completion date which works for all parties involved.
  • If the surveys reveal something unexpected then this can result in further negotiations which should be handled swiftly to prevent delays.