Ahyanah Mincy’s Blog Highlights Women In Business

It is not often that you see a college student verified on the OnMogul platform. The exclusively women site which boast of millions of users across 196 countries and 30, 470 cities has only 5,000 verified accounts out of the millions. In fact, only celebrities, top executives, and CEOs of important companies have the honour of being verified. For Ahyana Mincy, her dedication and sheer will to promote the course of women in business (especially women of colour) has earned her the honour of having her account verified.

The young college student from Newark, NJ has an unflinching passion for women empowerment and has found a voice for herself through the OnMogul platform which is regarded as the Linkedin for women. She uses her journalism skills to write about different topics that are ultimately meant to motivate women in general and black women in particular to go all out for it in business and entrepreneurship.

She writes about women owned businesses, true stories of successful women in businesses as well as advice to young female entrepreneurs. While most of her articles are addressed to women of colour (especially black women), they are practically useful to women of all races. Her writings are influenced by the obvious poor representation of black women in the business arena and the lack of media attention to women of colour who are defying the odds and making impacts in the world of business and entrepreneurship.

Currently studying for in degree in business management at Saint Peter’s University, Ahyana Mincy has established herself as a trailblazer in the area of women empowerment through the media. In spite of her rigorous academic works, she has researched and written on topics that have influenced young women, interviewed successful female entrepreneurs and is set to continue her journey as an excellent blogger with a purpose and vision.

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